Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala is popular due to its veridical and holistic approach.! Ayurvedic therapists in Kerala hold on to the traditional knowledge. It take the timeless science a step forward with its herbal therapies.
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that has been passed down from the Gods. It has millions of followers and practitioners around the world. The vaidyas and ayurvedic physicians of Kerala practice this divine science to its full extent. This is the place to be for complete herbal healing.!
Let nature take over your body.!
What could work better than actual knowledge on how to find a body balance that lasts?. A balance from inside out.! Sounds amazing right.? Yeah. That’s what the contemporary science of Ayurvedarelies on to get into shape.! Being a creature of healthy habits becomes the key if you intend to become an Ayurvedic follower.
What everyone looks up to when it comes to Kerala Ayurvedic therapy, is Panchakarma .The Ayurvedic complete body rejuvenation and the most well-know treatment methodology.
Panchakarma therapy is a highly individualized treatment that consists of five (Pancha) karmas
Panchakarma is the ultimate detoxification for the body that leads to: